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6 Tips to Mountain Happiness

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sewanee chapter.

Hellooooo freshman (and all of you other amazing people taking the time to read this)! My name is Tari and I am a sophomore at Sewanee. I’m a member of the women’s lacrosse team, the reason Nutella runs out at Clurg, and avid tweeter. When thinking of what my first article for our Her Campus chapter would be this year, I decided sharing a couple of tips I learned along the way freshman year that helped it go along a little smoother. Sewanee is an amazing place and I couldn’t be happier, and I hope it’s as good to you all as it has been to me.

1. Rent your books.

This is probably one of the most underrated tips to be said, but I highly recommend renting your books or buying them from someone who’s already taken the class throughout the school year. In some classes, you’ll rarely use the books, and even in the ones you do there’s always the chance of snagging a $200 textbook for $20! Besides, what ya gonna do with your clunky textbooks once you’re done with em? If you’ve bought yours, no worries! You can always resell them to the campus bookstore or your place of purchase, or even someone else who’ll need them!

2. Conserve your pub bucks.

At Sewanee, you’ll receive $150 of currency called “pub bucks” aka a gift from the Angels. With pub bucks, you can purchase delicious bites such as chicken wings and Mozzarella sticks from the Pub (our beloved late-night hangout which conveniently also serves delicious lunch options). But what one sometimes forgets is, pub bucks are REAL MONEY. If you aren’t careful, you can run through your bucks super quickly and be stuck begging your friends to spot you a couple to get some wings and a Coke (shoutout to my friends). So, use your pub bucks but use them wisely.

3. Be kind to all, especially the staff.

Whether it be Professors or dorm staff, be kind! Treat them with respect and don’t be afraid to ask how their day is going. Everyone appreciates the “passing hello”, and who knows, being kind could even lead to an extra quesadilla in Clurg. Overall treat everyone at Sewanee with the respect they deserve. Our staff does a lot to make sure our Sewanee experience is as awesome as possible.

4. Don’t be scared to make friends.

When I first visited Sewanee, I was so afraid I wouldn’t make any friends that I stuck to those in my Posse Foundation group. Once I started freshman year, I learned that everyone was in the same boat. Everyone wants to make friends and start the year off great, but some may be more afraid than others.

5. Participate in the classroom, don’t just be present.

Professors really appreciate input and effort from students, which kind of goes without saying. Be respectful and allow other students to be part of the discussion but don’t be afraid to speak up.

6. And last of all, have FUUUUUN!

Welcome to your beautiful new home. The first couple of months might be tough, but it gets better. I can recall calling my sister crying because I was scared I wouldn’t fit in, but it’s really about being yourself and finding friends that appreciate that about you. Find activities you are comfortable with doing, don’t feel like you’ll be pressured to go out on the weekends or even stay in forever if that’s not for you.

Sewanee is filled with activities and events for everyone. You don’t have to go out if you don’t want to, you can watch a movie at the SUT or go on a night hike to the Cross; some popular activities students choose to do on campus. If you ever feel like you are struggling, there are people willing to listen like upperclassmen who’ve been through it or staff at the Wellness Center equipped to discuss any issue with you. If you see me scooping goops of Nutella onto my toast, (plz don’t judge) feel free to say hello! YSR & welcome to the domain!

*Bonus Tip: Don’t be afraid to show your school spirit! There’s tons of ways to show off your Sewanee pride, whether it be joining a sorority or fraternity, joining a sports team, joining a club, or even attending any of the various school events. You can show your support in multiple ways.

Sarah Christie, C'16, is a biochemistry major and French minor at Sewanee. When she graduates, she wants to go to vet school. She loves dancing like nobody is watching, meeting new people, eating Pub food, riding horses, and writing for Her Campus.