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4 Things You Need to Play in the SNOW

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sewanee chapter.

It is snowing up here on the mountain. Despite the fact that we still have classes, it is important to take some time to enjoy the snow. But what will I wear? What clothing do I need to wear for the snow?

1. Gloves

You may think your hands can take it, but after the first few snowballs made, you will regret not having this precious item. Also, don’t you want to build a snowman!

2. Hat

1) To keep you warm 2) To prevent snow from hitting your ear when that one person throws a snowball at your face

3. Bean boots

…Or any other boot with traction. You can’t chase after someone with a snowball if you slip and fall every two seconds

4. Dining hall trays

The tray is an AMAZING and versatile accessory. You can wear it on your chest, your feet, your knees and your rear. It helps expedite the long and painful process of going down hills.

DISCLAIMER: I am in NO WAY endorsing the removal of the trays from McClurg Dining Hall.

Alternatives accessories to trays include cardboard boxes and storage bin lids.

Enjoy the snow!! College is hard!

Sarah Christie, C'16, is a biochemistry major and French minor at Sewanee. When she graduates, she wants to go to vet school. She loves dancing like nobody is watching, meeting new people, eating Pub food, riding horses, and writing for Her Campus.