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16 Thoughts You Have When Returning to a City

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sewanee chapter.

1. Driving here is SO STRESSFUL.

2. Alright, take everything in.

3. Can people tell I haven’t been to the city in a while?

4. Stop smiling at everyone, people think you are creepy.

5. OMG that’s a Chick-Fil-A!

6. WAIT…..I wonder where the whole foods is.

7. I am going to eat every single thing Clurg might not have.

8. I guess they only make that drink at Stirlings….

9. Is that a Sewanee bumper sticker?

10. Wow, I am so used to class dress…

11. I should buy that for my dorm room!

12. I am going to see if someone will order fancy drinks, buh-bye cheap beer.

13. Uber? Why not?

14. I forgot about people who aren’t 18-21!

15. I bet people are annoyed with my excitement.

16. I still can’t wait to go back to Sewanee.

Sarah Christie, C'16, is a biochemistry major and French minor at Sewanee. When she graduates, she wants to go to vet school. She loves dancing like nobody is watching, meeting new people, eating Pub food, riding horses, and writing for Her Campus.