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10 Things That Only Happen on a Night Out at Sewanee

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sewanee chapter.

1. Casually coming across a skunk.

Let’s be honest, those pesky creatures are BOLD. It’s only a matter of time before someone gets sprayed…


2. Drunkenly running after Bacchus

Because your dorm is always too far away when you’re drunk.


3. Waiting in the ridiculously long line at Pub at midnight

But those mozz sticks are worth every second you waited for them


4. Finding literally ANY other option rather than having to use a fraternity bathroom

You can pop a squat behind a tree, on the quad, or in the woods – but not on the dance floor. It’s kind of a party killer.


5. Strangers giving you a leg up so you can dance on a table at a frat party

‘Cause there ain’t no party like a table dancing party…just don’t fall off.


6. Chacos being your “going out” shoes


7. Having mud-covered hobbit feet by the end of the night even when it’s not muddy outside


8. 2 A.M. searches for your Nalgene you left at a party

God forbid those carefully picked stickers go to waste.


9. Hitting up clurg right before it closes to pick up mixers


10. Making a quick 2 A.M. stop in All Saints just ‘cause