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Why We Are Emotionally Conflicted After the Holidays

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Seton Hall chapter.

Everybody loves the holiday season; the SHU campus Christmas tree is lit up, wearing blue Santa hats becomes acceptable, and for a few short weeks, we get to go home.  But what is the general consensus on the after holiday-feels? It is a conflicting time period and here is why:

1. After January 1st, there are no more holidays for a whole 44 days.

You got to eat your heart out at Thanksgiving, give and receive (but mostly receive) during Christmas, and celebrate all night on New Year’s Eve, but now it is time for those New Year’s resolutions that will only last two weeks.  Say, “Hello gym!”

2. On the positive side, you have all these new gifts that you did not have before.  

Who doesn’t love new things!?

3. But, you have no room to pack all these new items to bring back to school.

Your suitcase was already full on the way home— how are you supposed to stuff in a whole holiday’s worth of new items (mainly clothes let’s be real) to go back to SHU?

4. It is still sweater weather!!

Time to show off all the cute sweaters, coats, scarves, hats, mittens, and tights that have been hiding in your closet for months.  

5. However, this is coupled with having to say goodbye to your friends from home, family, and most importantly your dog.

How do you say goodbye to that puppy face?

6. Let’s not forget the extra cash in your pocket.

Remember that neighbor you used to babysit for? Shout out to her for having a life outside her kids! And be sure to thank your boss for giving you some extra hours this break at your summer job.

7. But then you remember that you have to go back to the all caf food diet…

Seton Hall caf food? Rethinking college…

8. There’s always upcoming snow activities to cheer you up

There isn’t snow on the ground yet, but it’s coming.  Ski trips, sledding at the nearby park, and ice skating should all be done at least once a year.  Now is your chance.

9. At some point you realize there are no more gifts coming your way.

Even the annual late gift from Aunt Edna is already here.

10. You could always return the presents you didn’t like and use the cash for other things…

You could put this extra money in the bank… But it was originally going towards your gifts and who are you to say it shouldn’t be what it was originally intended to be?




Public relations major, bussiness admin and web design minor, knowledge lover, ring wearer, water drinker, Jersey raised.  Can be found upside down on a yoga mat, walking my dog, snapping photos, or laughing with friends. XO, namaste!