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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Seattle U chapter.

As May comes to a close, it’s getting harder and harder to avoid those posts on Facebook and Twitter from friends at other schools ranting and raving about how glad they are that it’s finally summer. Meanwhile, all of SU is still preparing for finals in two weeks.Whether you love the quarter system or hate it, there are a few things only quarter system students understand.  

1) Summer starts a month later than your semester friends. 


2) Your high school friends from different schools are partying while you are studying. 


3) Then just when your summer gets started, all of your friends start to leave. 


4) Now you are alone for the rest of the summer.


5) When September rolls around you’re all like…


6) Then its quickly back to hitting the books. 


7) Your friends from other schools don’t think you have hard classes.


8) But the truth is we take more classes in a year and move faster through classes. 


9) A quarter is only ten weeks, therefore it is your whole life. 


10) Midterms are not in the middle of anything, they are actually every two weeks. 


11) Professors believe one day is enough time to read three chapters out of your text book (LOL)


12) If you play sports and it is your season then, good luck with that! 


13) All the best parties, concerts, and holidays fit into Fall Quarter. 


14) Winter Quarter might as well be called hibernation. 


15) Everyone looks beautiful during Spring Quarter.


16) Even though the Quarter System moves quickly, we wouldn’t have it any other way. 


Just another college student trying to have it all, including style and comfort; follow my personal struggles with fashion, finances, and the future at www.thehannahgold.com