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Some Words to Live By

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Seattle U chapter.

“ You can never be overdressed or overeducated”- Oscar Wilde

As a student who values what is in her head, I believe that what is on it can be an effective form of self-expression. So as I become stressed and tired, I try to remember that I will feel better if I continue to display my intellect and personality through my style. Let’s take a moment to thank one of literature’s finest, the original dandy, Oscar Wilde, for sharing his wisdom and style with the world and for encouraging us to do the same! So study up and suit up to be the very best version of yourself!

I am a senior at Seattle University, studying both Communications and Spanish. My passions lie in fashion, social justice, writing, and editorial work. I am looking forward to being a Campus Correspondant with Her Campus, and can't wait to create a unique space online with the students of Seattle University.