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Perks of Being Single on Valentine’s Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Seattle U chapter.

“Love is in the air!” The expression that we single folks dread as soon as February rolls around. Our world becomes a swirl of pinks and reds, with blurred images of chocolate shaped hearts for the first half of the month. Valentine’s Day can be a tough time for all the singles out there. Believe or not, being single does have some advantages on Valentine’s day! Check them out:


1. You don’t have to worry about what you will wear that night.

In other words, you can still rock the sweatpants and t-shirt combo you’ve been in all day.


2. No drama or indecision about creating plans for that cliché “special and romantic night.”

You rather watch the drama that happens in The Bachelor anyway.


3. Not buying a new date night outfit, lingerie, or gifts equals saving a lot of dough!$!$!

Maddie Pine, one of our writers, points out that you now have extra money to spend on yourself. What would you do with the extra money you saved? Personally, I would treat myself to the guac at Chipotle.


4. Treat yourself… to some self-love and self-care!

April Jingco, another one of our writers, reminds everyone to take this day to love yourself! Even Leslie Knope has learned to love herself. Why shouldn’t you? ;)


5. No need to learn how to flirt and seduce.

Netflix is the best bae you have. Why find another one?


6. Chocolates are always 50-75% off the day after Valentine’s day. 

And you don’t have to share a piece with bae. It’s all yours. Or, our CC’s, Skyler White, birthday falls the day after the holiday, making on-sale chocolate the perfect gift for her!


Bonus: Singles actually have their own holiday on Feburary 14th: Single Awareness Day! Joseph Vincent even wrote a song for it.  


So people ready-not-to-mingle, get out there and rock your single status on Valentine’s day!

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Kim Tran

Seattle U

I'm Skyler. I go to Seattle University in hopes of earning a degree in Creative Writing. I love to discuss and write about LGBTQ politics, fashion, and I spend way too much time scrolling through Tumblr.