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Our Recommended Quadstock Playlist

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Seattle U chapter.

Quadstock, which is one of Seattle University’s biggest traditions and events of the year, is coming up soon! This all-day music festival has live music, food, games, and more. This year, SEAC has 9 bands performing, both at The Union Green Stage and The Quad Stage. We’re pretty excited about it.


Maybe you aren’t too familiar with some of the bands that are coming? That’s totally okay—we’re here to help! Here is our version of the Quadstock playlist with our recommended songs from each artist. So listen up and get ready for a day of rad music:


Artists from The Union Green Stage:

Mind Vice: Wild Ride


Fauna Shade: Sanctions

Gifted Gab: Pop It

Dave B: Illectric


Artists from The Quad Stage:

Animals In The Attic: Orange Peels

Brothers From Another: Day Drink

Born Ruffians: Needle

Grieves : On The Rocks

Beat Connection: Saola

We hope this list of songs has helped you become more familiar with the artists who are featured in this year’s lineup. Now that you’ve listened to some of their music, check out these artists at Quadstock and watch them perform live! Quadstock is on Saturday, May 16 from 11 AM to 10 PM. You can get your tickets at the CAC for $20. We’ll be there and we hope we see you there, too.

Hey, hi, hello! My name is April and contrary to belief, I was not born in April—but that's okay. I enjoy (many) cups of coffee, '80s romcoms, and film photography. I write about things that I care about, so hopefully you find some interest in them as well.
Just another college student trying to have it all, including style and comfort; follow my personal struggles with fashion, finances, and the future at www.thehannahgold.com