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Our Favorite Thanksgiving Traditions

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Seattle U chapter.

Arguably the best thing about the holidays is celebrating those cherished holiday traditions.

Here are some of our HC Seattle U staff’s favorite Thanksgiving traditions:

“The day after Thanksgiving my family goes and gets a Christmas tree and then we decorate it.”

“On Thanksgiving we fight over homemade applesauce that my grandma makes, there are often trivia, riddles, and games involved. Yes, it is that good.”

“We cook and prepare all day in pajamas and then get dressed up right before we eat!”

“We don’t have any Thanksgiving traditions… Though we do eat fondue for Thanksgiving more often than not if that counts!”

When we got my dog, the pound didn’t know the exact date of her birthday, only that it was in November. So we celebrate my dog’s birthday every Thanksgiving because why not?”

“Every year as the food is cooking, we go for a walk and pick up pretty leaves, acorns, and rocks that we then use to decorate the Thanksgiving table with. It gets our appetite going, too!”

“Sometimes I eat all of the olives my grandma sets out on the table before we even start eating.”

“Since people typically have specific plans for dinner, we found that the most convenient way to see everyone we love is by hosting an open-house style Thanksgiving brunch for all of our family friends. Not only is this the best way to kick start a day of overeating, it also let’s you catch up with everyone in casual setting!”

No matter what the tradition, we hope your Thanksgiving celebrations are awesome this year. Happy eating! 

I am a senior at Seattle University, studying both Communications and Spanish. My passions lie in fashion, social justice, writing, and editorial work. I am looking forward to being a Campus Correspondant with Her Campus, and can't wait to create a unique space online with the students of Seattle University.