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Let Your Smart Phone Take You Home

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Seattle U chapter.

Call Me Beep Me If You Wanna Reach Me… Now take me home.

Now that the days are growing longer in the Pacific Northwest, we are out later enjoying the pre-summer nights in the city. No matter how late you choose to stay out, here are a few apps and resouces you can access on your smart phone to get home unscathed once that summer sun has set.

1. Kite String – “Safety, with strings attached.”

Kite String is a popular (and free) app that acts as a makeshift parent by checking up on you. You can check-in on this app when leaving a party, going for a midnight stroll, or shamelessly meeting up with that cute guy from Tinder. Next, pre-set the application with a designated time to send you a message for your anticipated arrival time for when you have safely arrived at your destination or not. If you do not confirm your safety with Kite String, the app with automatically alert your pre-set emergency contacts. This is an easy way to keep connected with your friends as an extra-precaution to stay safe. Visit kitestring.io to set up your account!


2. Uber

Uber is a prompt and reliable car service that you can order through your phone that tracks you through the application and provides updates of where the car is and when they have arrived to pick you up. Even more convenient than a cab, uber charges you through your apple ID account so you don’t have to worry about scrounging for cash or your debit card. 

3. Lyft

This app is strikingly similar to Uber. Just open the app, request a ride, and look out for those bright, pink mustaches. They even have happy hours! 

4. Night Hawk

If you are unsure your surrounding area and can’t remember which streets to avoid after a recent Public Safety Timely Warning Notification email, give the night-hawk a call for a free ride. This is a much better alternative to looking lost and down at your phone which will make you look like an easy target for potential robbery or harassment. Avoid potential risks by taking advantage of the Nighthawk services. at the following number: (206) 398-4295.  Nighthawk offers rides from 6 pm to Midnight Sunday through Thursday, while service time extends until 2 am on Fridays and Saturdays and will transport you to all addresses within 6 blocks of campus.

5. Public Safety

Although public safety officers don’t look all that intimidating on their spiffy, new Segway’s, there is always safety in numbers! Utilizing public safety’s escort services on a walk home can always bring you a piece of mind when walking home at night. Don’t hesitate to call their 24/hour emergency line: (206) 296-5911. (Sometimes they even let you try out their Segway if you ask nicely!) 

Ashley is a freshman studying Environmental Studies and minoring in Business Administration at Seattle University. She can most commonly be found with a soy lattee in hand at a bookstore on Capital Hill. Follow her on twitter: ashleeysmith5
I am a senior at Seattle University, studying both Communications and Spanish. My passions lie in fashion, social justice, writing, and editorial work. I am looking forward to being a Campus Correspondant with Her Campus, and can't wait to create a unique space online with the students of Seattle University.