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Holiday Songs– With a Twist!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Seattle U chapter.

Like most students I have found something more useful to do with my time than study for my finals. Here are two holiday songs with a modern day twist, enjoy!

Preparing for Finals

*read to the tune of Santa Clause is Coming to Town*

You better take notes

You better study fine

Better not cram

I’m telling you why

Finals are coming around


They’re making a test

Curving it if they’re nice

Gonna find out who got it alright

Finals are coming around


They know you should be sleeping

It’s keeping you awake

They know if you tried or not

So study for goodness sake


You better take notes

You better study fine

Better not cram

I’m telling you why

Finals are coming around


The Twelve Nights of Christmas Re-Imagined by a Liberal Arts Student

On the twelfth day of christmas my parents asked me what they are paying for…

12 Extra Minors

11 Days with No Sleep

10 Reflection Papers

9 Clubs and Activities

8 Group Projects

7 Social Causes

6 Unread Emails

5 Friends Who Need You

4 Approaching Due Dates

3 Foreign Languages

2 Extra Majors

And A Degree But Not a Job


Happy Holidays!

I am a senior at Seattle University, studying both Communications and Spanish. My passions lie in fashion, social justice, writing, and editorial work. I am looking forward to being a Campus Correspondant with Her Campus, and can't wait to create a unique space online with the students of Seattle University.