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Colin Murphy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Seattle U chapter.

Colin Murphy

Graduation Year: 2017

Major: Mathematics

Hometown:Ukiah (it’s haiku spelled backwards!), CA

Campus Involvement: I am the vice president of the SU Water Polo Club. If you are interested, come check it out! (We always need more people, we have practice on Mondays at 8:30 at the URec pool!)

Birthday/Zodiac: December 10/Sagittarius

If you could have any super power, what would it be and why?

Flight. It’s the best one.

What do you think your patronus would be?

A black bear, slow and lumbering

What’s your favorite part about living in Seattle?

The Puget Sound. It is one of my favorite bodies of water!

Who inspires you in life/who’s your role model?

My older sister, she is incredible!

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Maybe a teacher? But you know, I’ll figure it out when I grow up…

I'm Skyler. I go to Seattle University in hopes of earning a degree in Creative Writing. I love to discuss and write about LGBTQ politics, fashion, and I spend way too much time scrolling through Tumblr.