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Cedar Cloyd aka DJ Dio

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Seattle U chapter.

Name: Cedar aka DJ Dio

Major: Electrical Engineering with Computer Specializations.

Year: Junior 

Hometown: Homer, Alaska

Website: www.facebook.com/Dj.Dio.Official

What inspired you to begin DJing?

    Since a very young age, I have always loved to dance. Whether it’s salsa, tango, swing, or just plain jumping up and down with my hands in the air. When I hit High School, I was incredible excited for the dances. This excitement was short lived once I realized how terrible they actually were. For two years I complained that dances at my High School should be better. One day, my friend Eric looked at me and asked, “Why don’t you become a DJ?” It’s one of those thoughts that I probably never would have had on my own, but those 6 simple words, changed my life. One month after this question was posed I had my first DJ controller, and with no one to be my mentor, I taught myself everything that I needed to know.

What was your most memorable DJ experience?

    Several months ago I participated in a DJ battle at Club Volume in downtown Seattle. I spent weeks preparing and fighting to get a good set time; and when the night of the battle finally came, it all paid off. I had secured an 11:30 to 12:00p.m. time slot, so I knew the club was going to be packed. The hour leading up to my performance may have been one of the longest hours in my life, but I had my friends there. No matter where you were in the club, you could see someone wearing a shirt with my logo on it. As I hit the stage and stepped up to the mixer, the crowd started to chant my name. Looking out, I could see hundreds of people standing in front of me, waiting to hear what I was going to be play first. The excitement was palpable and the overall experience was very surreal.

    While I placed second by only a vote or two, the entire night stood as a land mark in my DJ career. It never would have been possible without the massive amounts of support I received from my friends at SU.

How do you hope to grow as a DJ in the future?

     After turning 21 a lot more doors are now open to me. I have returned to Volume several times to play shows and I have recently been asked to open for a large Greek event up at the University of Washington. I’ve been working with and getting advice from Seattle’s Hyperfunk. He has forced me to DJ outside of my comfort zone, by breaking my bonds with a DJ controller and allowing me to perform on CDJs. 

 I hope to keep promoting, getting my name out there, and continuing to expand. My ultimate goal is to play at Quadstock 2015, right before I graduate.

Aside from performing, what do you enjoy doing? Are you involved in any activities on or off campus?

    Being an Electrical Engineering major and minoring in computer science and mathematics doesn’t leave much time for other activities.  “Eat, sleep, homework, rave, repeat.”  I have to say though, an occasional trip to Game Works never hurts. 

I’m currently involved with the peer mentor program for the College of Science and Engineering, along with Undergraduate Research, and I’m basketball event DJ for SU Athletics.What do you hope to accomplish after graduating?

I’m really excited to see where the next few years are going to take me. I have an internship with Boeing lined up for this summer, and it could turn into a full time job after graduation. Seeing as Seattle is one of the tech titans of the US, I would like to stick around for a while. I also want to continue to DJ no matter where I wind up.

If you could share any one piece of advice, what would that be?

   Network! It doesn’t matter what major you are or what passion you are pursuing, networking is a great opportunity to meet new people and advance yourself in the world. Not that many people succeed by themselves, it takes a strong web of connections and supporters. Attended talks, resume nights, career fairs, and other events that professionals will be at. Reach out to those who can help you and begin to earn their trust. Don’t wait until you need someones help, start now. Then when the time comes where you need an internal or external reference, someone will be there for you.


I am a senior at Seattle University, studying both Communications and Spanish. My passions lie in fashion, social justice, writing, and editorial work. I am looking forward to being a Campus Correspondant with Her Campus, and can't wait to create a unique space online with the students of Seattle University.