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Campus Cutie: Nick Fishler

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Seattle U chapter.

Name: Nick

Birthday/ Astrological Sign: October 16th, Libra

Hometown: Cupertino, CA (home of Apple… that’s the only reason anyone recognizes the name)

Year: junior

Major: Economics and Management, Entrepreneurship minor

Job: SU Tour guide, Redhawk Ambassador

Relationship status: single

Post-grad plans/ goals:

No idea. I am horrible about planning ahead even a few weeks from now, let alone a year or two from now. I would, one day, like to go to grad school. Maybe get a master’s  degree in Resource Management or Environmental Economics? My end goals are to find a job where I am helping people, I enjoy what I do, and I can take pride in my work.

What are you involved with on campus?

Enactus, Phi Sigma Pi Honors Fraternity, Business Ethics Club (ZEM), Club Soccer


Outdoors, camping, hiking, soccer, Zelda, Game of Thrones, ALL CARTOONS, Adventure Time, Samaurai Champloo, Anything with Bill Murray, anything Zac Braff (he’s my idol), pugs, bulldogs, derpy dogs/puppies, cuddle puddles, the smell of rain, Batman, Star Wars, ICE CREAM, a good IPA, Seattle… there isn’t much I don’t like.


People who catcall, a closed mind, getting stains on my clothes, indecisive weather

One word your friends would use to describe you:

I don’t know what people describe me as. I don’t like making assumptions or putting words in peoples’ mouths. If I had to guess I would say they describe me as bubbly or curious (I ask a ton of questions… I imagine my friends get a little annoyed sometimes). 

What is your best college memory thus far?

It is so hard to nail down to just one event. I think the best times I have had are being surrounded by friends and having a sense of safety and belonging as we sat at Gas Works and relaxed in the spring sunshine.  

What do you find most attractive in another person?

I know its super cliché but I find confidence super attractive and I love a good smile. I also really dig someone who I can have an in-depth conversation with. 

What is one of the funniest things to happen to you recently?

I laugh a lot so all the funny in my life kinda blurs together. 

How are you spending your summer?

This is going to be my first summer away from home and I am so excited to spend it in my new home, here in Seattle. I will be chilling with friends, enjoying what I hear is beautiful weather, and doing an internship at Liberty Mutual. I really hope I can do some camping/backpacking or something else in the outdoors as well. 

If you could give one piece of advice to fellow Redhawks during the second half of the quarter, what would that be?

ENJOY THE SUNSHINE. This is the best time of year and it gets beautiful. Do not be afraid to explore the areas around Seattle. I regret not starting to do so until last year.  Also you never can have too much school spirit. Take pride in your home and if you aren’t proud of it, make it a place you can be proud of!


I am a senior at Seattle University, studying both Communications and Spanish. My passions lie in fashion, social justice, writing, and editorial work. I am looking forward to being a Campus Correspondant with Her Campus, and can't wait to create a unique space online with the students of Seattle University.