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7 Reasons Why Pope Francis is the Coolest Pope

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Seattle U chapter.

Regardless of your denomination, there are many reasons to be excited about Pope Francis, arguably the most progressive Catholic leader in the church’s history. In 2013 Pope Francis was declared Time’s Person of the Year, and for a good reason! Looking back, here are a couple of his finest moments.

1.When he chose to live and dress simply

Unlike his predecessors, Pope Francis pointedly refused to ride in a limousine or stay or the fancy apartments traditionally reserved for the Pope.

2.Speaking out against the negative effects of capitalism

In his first sermon, the Pope called “unfettered capitalism a new tyranny”

3.He’s down with evolution and the big bang theory

Last week, Pope Francis challenged the Church’s firm beliefs on creationism by declaring that evolution and the big bang theory are real. The Pope revealed that he believes that God “is not a magician with a wand,” and went on to say that evolution in nature is not in contrast with divine creation.

4.When he voiced his support of the LBBTQ community

Not long ago, Pope Francis was quoted as saying,

5.He’s got the interests of women in mind

Pope Francis has encouraged public breastfeeding, and action many mothers are shamed for. He has also voiced groundbreaking views on abortion and birth control.

6.He used to work as a bouncer at a club

Also, he used to ride a Harley. He auctioned it off and gave the money to a soup kitchen. Need we say more?

7.When he took this selfie  

Hannah Tyne is a sophmore at Seattle University. When she's not traveling the world, you can find her eating excessive amounts of Thai food, exploring her awesome city and hugging puppies.