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5 Yoga Moves to De-Stress Before Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Seattle U chapter.

As the quarter is coming to a close, projects are piling up, and finals are looming. With so much academia comes an equal if not greater amount of stress and anxiety. I know that I am definitely feeling the pressure and pains associated with school. I also know that the key to maintaining sanity during this hectic quarter is finding ways to de-stress and my personal favorite is Yoga. So I am going to share with you a few of my favorite poses.

Take a break from studying and practice any or all of these poses to find a little relief from the strenuous activities of college life.

1.     Downward Facing Dog

The classic, the favorite of many, the base of any yogi’s practice. This pose will stretch out your hamstrings and open your heart/ chest area.

2.     Upward Facing Dog

Inhale and shine your heart open and stretch your abdomen and back with your legs lifted and the tops of your feet pressed firmly into the floor. Exhale and engage your core to find your downward dog.

3.     Reverse Warrior

Begin in warrior 2 reach your arm back and open up your side body to deepen the stretch.

4.     Bird of Paradise

If you’d like a bit of a challenge begin in side angle and take a bind around your leg. Step your leg in to meet your rooted foot while keeping the bind. Maintaining this bind, lift the bound leg slowly and stand on your firmly rooted foot.  Extend your bound leg and engage your core to balance. This pose opens your chest and focuses your energy on the practice, keeping your mind off of the stressors of everyday life.


5.     Tree

Stand and firmly root one foot. Place your foot on the inside of your rooted leg either above or below the knee, never on the knee. Either reach your arms upward toward the sky or bring them to your heart center. Breathe.

So, when you are feeling stressed or simply need a study break, take a minute or two to calm the body, mind, and spirit. Sync your breath with these yoga poses, also known as asanas, and let the stress melt away. Namaste.

I am a senior at Seattle University, studying both Communications and Spanish. My passions lie in fashion, social justice, writing, and editorial work. I am looking forward to being a Campus Correspondant with Her Campus, and can't wait to create a unique space online with the students of Seattle University.