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10 Stages of Being Single on V-Day As Told By Lizzie

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Seattle U chapter.

“She was stronger alone…” – Jane Austin, Sense and Sensibility

1.     Confusion

2.     Excitement

That’s right, no awkward dates and failed expectations, just you and your friends relaxing and awaiting the arrival of February 15th!

3.     Self-doubt

4.     Desperation

Even if you’re just in love with the idea of not being alone, everyone can admit to a little last-minute desperation now and then! Especially when pasta and Italian men are involved!

5.     False Infatuation

Just because you’re going to be flying solo this V-Day doesn’t mean you all of the sudden like your best friend, or that rando in that one UCOR class you kind of sort of sit next to. Unless you lik this person with admiration similar to that of Gordo’s….in that case you have my full seal of approval.

6.     Jealousy

If you didn’t cry (at least on the inside) for Gordo at this moment, you have no heart.

7.     Annoyance

8.     One more round of Insecurity…

9.     Acceptance

10.   Satisfaction

With good friends, and access to a Netflix account, you are all you need to make this February 14th as enjoyable as any other day in the year! Really, it’s the single people who are winning, think about it!