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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SDSU chapter.

This is the year to stop watering dead plants. To finally put yourself before others for the sake of your own health. Take a step back and look to see who is reaching out to you during hard times, who is checking up on you, and who is only talking to you when it’s convenient for them because they need a favor. It’s hard to see people in your life walk out but it’s a good wake-up call that really allows you to see people’s true colors.

Surround yourself with people you know you can rely on. Put yourself first because you’re worth it. Losing people you thought would stay in your life forever is tough love, but at some point we are all meant to go through this feeling. Whether it’s a significant other or a best friend, it’s going to happen.

It’s okay to struggle, and it’s alright to let people walk out of your life if they left they weren’t meant to be in it. Don’t be the “always supportive” or “always there for you” type if you feel used or taken advantage of. Everything doesn’t necessarily need to be reciprocated, however it needs to be appreciated and valued. This is a therapeutic message meant for myself, but I’m sharing it now because I feel it can really help other people and give them a wake up call like I needed.

Do things for yourself this month. Take a deep breath, appreciate yourself. Love is tough, but we go through difficult downs in life that teach us a lot. Accept the changes; grow from them. Here’s to you!

Hi! My name is Arianna and I am currently studying dance at San Diego State University. I've been dancing since I was six years old and grew a passion for writing in high school. Along with dancing and writing, I love everything fashion and editing vlogs for my youtube channel. I focus mainly on capturing memories when I spend time with my friends so we can all have a cute video to look back at of our amazing experiences! Editing pictures to create mood boards or add a fun twist to ordinary photos is something I've been very interested in as well. In all honesty, anything in the arts peaks my interest. I am so excited to be part of this amazing team and can't wait to spread positivity and empowerment through my articles. Follow me on Instagram to get a sneak peek into my life!: @1tsari
Emily is the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus SDSU. She is a 4th year journalism student from Chicago, IL. At SDSU, she is in Kappa Delta, is the Social Media Director of Rho Lambda and the Vice President Membership of Order of Omega. Emily's favorite hobbies are dancing, online shopping, planning out her Instagram feed, blogging and going to Disneyland. On a daily basis, you can find her glued to her laptop writing blog posts and editing Youtube videos. In the future, she wants to work for the Walt Disney Company on their social media marketing and communications corporate team. Emily's strong passion for digital media & content creation makes her very proud to be a member of the Her Campus team!