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Mid-Year Resolutions: Making Better Choices Beyond the New Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SDSU chapter.

If you’re like me, your New Year’s resolutions only last through the first few weeks of the year. It’s not that you planned on giving them up so early; it’s just that you usually stop having time to follow through with all of them. Because let’s face it – no one has time to go to the gym all the time, or eat healthy all the time, or get more involved in school, or at least, you think you can’t. Or maybe that’s just me.
Either way, I think the middle of the semester is a good time for some resolution revamping. As midterms come to a close, I think it’s a fine time we find a couple of little things to focus on for the rest of the semester. Like…
Eating Better
It may seem hard because most of us don’t have the time, the resources, or the equipment to cook homemade, healthy meals for ourselves every night. But it is possible. As a student with a meal plan, I’ve found several things at the market that can help me eat just a little bit healthier. The Aztec Market is stocked with plenty of   fruits, salads, juices, and other yummy snacks. If you’re me, your grocery list consists of apples, salads, hummus, and Wheat Thins. And if you’re not, you should definitely add them to your list. It’s delicious.
Go to the Gym
Those running shoes that are sitting in your closet are taunting you right about now. You haven’t been to the gym in ages, and you know you know you’re overdue. You just haven’t had time. But now, with midterms finishing up, it’s time to reclaim your time. Take a break in your day to jog over to the ARC and hop on a treadmill or catch a yoga class. Trust me, the break in your day and the endorphins released in your body will be totally worth it!

Get More Involved
This is always easier than people give it credit for. Everyone assumes there’s way too much time and effort to getting involved, but it’s really not that hard. Especially on the SDSU Campus! There’s tons of clubs, whether academic or just for fun. There’s student government (AS), school newspaper (Daily Aztec), and other organizations. Most of the groups you can join just require you to show up for participation and many don’t require commitment. There’s something that will fit in any schedule!
Go To Bed Early
For those living on or around campus, going to bed early is something close to impossible. There’s always something to distract you, to keep you separated from the warmth of your bed. There’s homework, there’s TV, there’s dorm life, there’s people to talk to, and of course, there’s the Internet. It’s cliché, but it’s true. College students do not go to bed on time. Why not make an effort to get to bed a little bit earlier now? Don’t make it insanely early for your schedule- for me, a ten o’clock bedtime would be too early. Make it fit your schedule, but make sure you get enough sleep!

Stay on Task
I saved this one for last… Don’t procrastinate! It’s the number one cause of all-nighters and coffee consumption. If you have an essay or a speech due tomorrow, and you haven’t started it (and you’re reading this article), you are procrastinating! Stop. Start trying to get your work done ahead of time. Write down a to-do list. Keep details in your planner. Do work earlier than the night before. Trust me, your sleep schedule will thank you.

Jazmine is a freshman at San Diego State University in beautiful SO Cal. With plans to major in Communication and double minor in public relations as well as TFM (Television, Film, and New Media), she deeply enjoys reading, writing, and getting to know people around campus. As the founder and Campus Correspondent for Her Campus SDSU, her hopes are high and she is confident the branch will be a wonderful success. While in her first year of college, she is learning how to be more involved around campus while maintaining her studies. After spending a few childhood years living in Europe and traveling internationally, Jazmine has a passion for learning about different cultures from all over the world, especially the different foods! Future plans? She intends to have a career in media, preferably at a fashion magazine, such as Seventeen, or work with a popular television network such as OWN. In her free time she enjoys being with friends, reading, photography, Sunday church, learning how to play the ukulele, organizing things, and spending hours in the beauty department at almost any store.