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going braless
going braless
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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SDSU chapter.

Let’s face it. College hookup culture is real. Whether you just heard about the crazy one-night stand your friend had last night, or you saw someone walking back to their dorm wearing the same outfit from the party last night, it is not difficult to notice how many casual hook ups are happening on campus. A major issue is finding out that your most recent hook up lives on the floor above you or even in the adjacent building (yep, the one where lots of your friends just so happen to live). So, now what? Do you hope you never have to run into him/her again or do you ignore their existence altogether? Let’s discuss the do’s and don’ts of this not so uncommon occurrence.




Determine your comfort level and set boundaries prior to hooking up. Make sure you know whether or not you would be comfortable hooking up with someone in your same building.


Be direct about what you want from the experience. Do you want a relationship or something casual?


Ask where your hook up lives before actually hooking up.


Do anything you’re not comfortable doing. You can always say NO. 


Expect him/her to keep this hook up a secret. Both guys and girls have a tendency to share the details of a recent one-night stand.


Gossip with everyone on your floor about the experience unless you want it to become public knowledge.


Make it weird by ignoring the person when you see him/her in the elevator or by making eye contact and then suddenly walking in the opposite direction. 


Make sure you find out if you have mutual friends. If so, you might have to constantly see your hookup because you hang out with the same people. 


Expect to see him/her bringing another person back to their dorm. It’s not going to be easy, but it is inevitable.


Forget that he/she will likely see you walking to the shower in a towel or hungover after a long night out if your hookup lives in the same dorm.


Be mature about the situation and always be the bigger person.


Let his/her immaturity or awkwardness cause you to feel bad about yourself. You deserve better than that.


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Most importantly, be safe and enjoy yourself. These four short years have the potential to be some of the best years of your life so try not to get caught up in all of the unnecessary drama and only hookup with someone if you are comfortable doing so. This is your body not anyone else’s.

Julia is a Journalism Advertising student at San Diego State University. She hopes to pursue a career in advertising or marketing as a creative director. In her free time, Julia enjoys going out with friends, getting involved in her sorority, and enjoying the beautiful San Diego beaches. Even though she is a pescatarian, Julia loves to try new foods; she loves Ethiopian, Japanese, and Indian cuisines. As a proud intersectional feminist, Julia believes in fighting for all women’s rights. She hopes that her future advertising campaigns and articles will help to shift the conversation. Julia is ready and excited to promote meaningful, productive discussions through her writing.
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