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CULTURAL COMMENT: Lucky Girl Syndrome

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SDSU chapter.

According to statistics from Wallaroo Media, TikTok users spend an average of at least 90 minutes per day on the app, and users open the app an average of 8 times every day. With all of that content consumption, it’s natural to find yourself comparing your life to the hundreds you scroll past every day. To combat this, influencers on TikTok have utilized the law of attraction to show everyone how to be their best selves.

Many TikTok users have been swept up by the phenomenon of “manifestation,” a term meaning to hope for a desired outcome until it comes true using the law of attraction. The law of attraction is a philosophy suggesting that positive thoughts can alter your reality or your perspective on the world around you. Manifestation is rooted in religion and spiritual practices, but over the past couple of years, TikTok has taken the idea that you can turn anything you want into reality and ran with it. Many common manifestations of the TikTok community are those relating to wealth, finding love, getting your dream job, and more. However, TikTok creators have recently taken to the platform to present the social media app with an entirely new manifestation.

TikTok user @skzzolno sat down in her car with another one of her friends to explain “How We Changed Our Life With Lucky Girl Syndrome.” The girls go on to detail the phrases, or affirmations, that they have been repeating to themselves and each other to manifest all of their desires. The two friends used affirmations such as “I don’t know why, but everything works out for me,” “The universe always makes things work out for me,” and “I’m so lucky” to get the bedrooms they wanted in their new apartment. Anytime they saw each other or during a quiet moment alone, the girls explained that they used that time to remind themselves that they are “so lucky that everything works out for me.” 

They also attributed other coincidences or good luck to their “lucky girl syndrome.” For example, they wanted to go to a favorite restaurant of theirs to get noodles, unsure if it was still going to be open or not. When they arrived, they found that it was in fact still open, they thanked the universe for allowing everything to work out in their favor. The creator who has now posted several videos explaining how to benefit from lucky girl syndrome also used these affirmations prior to another video of her’s going viral, amassing nearly 15 million views on the platform.

You too can catch a case of this “lucky girl syndrome” simply by being grateful when things go your way. Whether this manifestation tactic truly works, or these affirmations are some magic way of getting everything you want, simply be grateful for the small things that do go right in your life. Then you can certainly feel like the luckiest girl alive.

Hi! I’m Haylie and I’m a first year psychology major at SDSU. I’m so excited to write for HerCampus and do more creative writing this semester!