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Spring Cleaning: What To Keep And What To FINALLY Throw Out

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCU chapter.


It’s finally that time of year.  Say goodbye to big, baggy sweaters and say hello to running shorts, ‘cause it’s time to welcome spring with open arms.  Whether you have been looking forward to hitting the gym or lying out and getting back some of that color you’ve been deprived of for the last couple of months, spring has finally arrived!  I don’t know if it’s the sun or the magnetizing glow of happy faces that spread around campus but it’s that time of year that we all feel gives us a chance to start over — to clean out the old and become a new, cleaner, fresher, happier self.  But, what should we keep and what should we get rid of?  Listed below are the top items you should aim to keep this spring and the top items to kiss goodbye.

Ten Things to Keep This Spring:

  • School Notes. Yes, thank God those winter classes are over, but the more notes we keep, the better off we will be in the future.  Notebooks and helpful handouts are good to keep, scratch paper and other useless paper is better done away with. I find my empty suitcases are a good place to store these items.  While we hate to admit it, even though Econ 1 is finally over, we also have Econ 2 and Econ 3 in the near future.  Those old tests, quizzes and notes will prove handy in the long run. Keep!
  • First Aid Kit.  It is a nagging-mom necessity.  Don’t all of our mothers always tell us to keep one close by?  All I’m saying is that if your best friend ever falls through a glass table (true story) or your friend walks into a pole and his nose starts squirting blood like a faucet (also a true story), you will find yourself thankful for your mother, but most of all you will be thankful that you had that first aid kit close by and ready to go.
  • Phone Numbers.  The phone number of that really close friend you talked to every day in high school.  Yes, you may have lost contact with them recently, but do not delete their number.  It is important to keep or at least try to keep in touch with our past relationships and friends, especially the ones you had through all those, ugly ups and downs of high school. They are keepers!
  • White Shorts. White shorts just stand in as a metaphor for that one piece of clothing (and I know you have one, we all do) that, for some reason, just does not fit the way it used to.  Don’t give up on that pair of shorts if the waist has become extremely tight, or the button miraculously hard to fasten.  Run an extra mile a day, ditch that caramel frap, double shot morning boost, and before you know it those shorts will be fitting beautifully again, just in time for that day party!
  • Baseball Hat.  Baseball season is here!  Get out that ratty old baseball cap that looks like it’s about to fall apart, and dust it off!  Ratty baseball caps never look bad – they simply look loved.  Never throw it out, and get ready for baseball season, or the beach, or tanning:  baseball caps are sexy and cute.  Plus, they’re great to throw on when you wake up five minutes before class.
  • Family Photos.  This spring, let’s aim to be more thankful for the ones that deal with our craziness.  Get a family photo and put it on your wall or in your wallet. Appreciate the ones that matter most.
  • Old T-shirts.  Cut them up and run in them.
  • USB Drive.  USB drives always remind us to have a back up plan, whether it be in our school work or metaphorically in our lives.  Don’t depend on one plan or one copy – things don’t always go our way, so let’s make sure we’re prepared when they don’t. We’ve all collected a few from career fairs, etc., so be sure not to throw them out.  It’s not a bad idea to keep one in your backpack.


  • Bathing Suit Tops.  That bathing suit top that you can’t seem to find the bottom to.  Whether we lost it or left it at home, have no fear.  Find a cute, solid colored bottom, or just throw on a bottom to another swimsuit you already own before grabbing some sun..
  • Focus.  Don’t lose focus!  The sun and the warm weather will threaten to take it away, but this is the home stretch.  Stay in line with your goals this quarter!


Top Ten Things To Toss This Spring:

  • Ex’s Photos.  Not much to say about this one except: move on honey.
  • Old Magazines.  Ditch those old magazines you’ve been hoarding forever.  You had two years to look back at them, you didn’t.  It’s time they’re dumped for new ones.
  • Ugly Sweaters.  That ugly sweater you’re too stubborn to give away because you bought it with your first paycheck, or your mom gave it to you and you feel guilty that you’ve never worn it.  At the end of the day, it’s a little ugly and you know you’re not going to wear it, so give it away.
  • Grudges.  Getting rid of the old allows you to open up to the new.
  • Unintelligent Phrases.  Ditch the “you knows” and any other little sayings you picked up along the way, because they are “like totally” not doing you any favors.
  • Ratty Blankets.  That ratty blanket you cried with over that boy and wiped your nose with and coughed all over during “sick season” this winter quarter.  1. It is now disgusting, and 2. It holds gross, mopey, bad memories.  Exchange it for a new, happier blanket.
  • Gauchos.  Those gauchos or that one once trendy piece of clothing that you are hoping might come back.  I hate to break it to you; it’s not going to (at least I hope not).  Dump them and go shopping for new, cuter pants!
  • Flowers.  Those moldy, rotting flowers from Valentine’s Day.  Demand new ones or buy some for yourself. You’re worth it!
  • Booty Call.  Let’s let the hot mess be someone else for once.
  • Celebrity Poster.  That half naked pic of Channing Tatum.  He has a wife.  He has a baby.  All hope is completely lost, ladies. It is sadly time to move on and get some big girl decorations