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Another Photo-Op in the City

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCU chapter.

Who doesn’t love to be a tourist in the city?

The Palace of Fine Arts is located in the Marina District of San Francisco, right by the water.  It’s a beautiful view both during the day and night.

Looking for perfect way to end a date?

The romantic ambience of the monumental structure sets the mood for a grand finale that will leave you head over heels.

I'm a sophomore at Santa Clara University where I am majoring in Accounting and minoring in Creative Writing. Originally from Los Angeles, I like to attend music festivals and explore art galleries. I plan to study in Australia this upcoming fall and am stoked for the adrenaline-filled adventures that await. I have a serious case of impulsive decision-making and dreams to work at a hole in the wall coffee shop in Portland someday. As of right now, I enjoy sipping tea and playing rugby.
Victoria is a senior at Santa Clara University and is a History and Spanish double major with double minors in Political Science and Anthropology. A native Los Angelino, she's a huge Kings & Dodgers fan & will defend her favorite teams fiercely. Lover of Netflix, popcorn, & mint moose tracks ice cream. You can basically count on finding her snacking, binge-watching Game of Thrones, or in the library (sometimes all three at the same time).