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Alex Power ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCU chapter.

Ladies, allow me to introduce you to Alex: a top-notch gentleman who is the perfect companion for anything from a wild trip to Vegas to a relaxing movie night. He longboards, swims, plays tennis and more; but he’s also got the brains to compliment the brawn. A student of the Leavey School of Business, Alex wishes to one day be the head of a company. He has impeccable taste in music and a sense of humor that would leave anybody laughing hysterically.

If you’re looking for someone who you can go out and have a good time with… AND still be able to hang out with the next day, here’s your guy. You can thank me later.

Hometown:  Napa, CA
School Year:  Junior
Major:  OMIS
Residence Hall/Living:  Villas
Describe yourself in 3 words:  Sexy. Meow. Chubbies (the shorts).
Zodiac Sign:  Aries

SCU Life
What activities or clubs are you in?   CLC (Christian Life Community), Miranda Kerr Club, and I work at Malley
What is your favorite place on campus?  The pool
Favorite Class?  OMIS 105
What is your favorite SCU memory?  Skinny-dipping after Bay to Breakers last year
What’s one thing you want to do before you graduate?  Ride a golf cart on campus

Fun Facts
What type of music do you listen to?  Everything but country and rap
What is the one place you want to visit?  Northern Africa.  My godfather owns a safari. (Yes, he is serious)
What would you say your spirit animal is?  Black panther
Favorite TV show?  Breaking Bad
Dream Job?  The next Steve Jobs, or the top guy at a company
What is your most embarrassing moment?  I fell asleep naked on top of my bed, and my friends walked in.
Celebrity Crush:  Miranda Kerr
If you could have one superpower what would it be?  Seduce Miranda Kerr

Love Life
Single or taken?   Single
Ideal first date:  Traveling
Deal Breakers:  Girls who are really girly
First thing(s) you notice in a girl:  Teeth, smile, and her hair
Pet Peeves:  Naggers and complainers

This or That
East Coast/West Coast:  West Coast
Blondes/Brunettes:  Miranda Kerr
Cats/Dogs:  Miranda Kerr
Henry’s/Taco Bell:  Henry’s
Barack Obama/Mitt Romney:  Obama
Mila Kunis/Natalie Portman: I’m a big fan of Natalie Portman