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Longing For Thanksgiving Break: Gilmore Girls Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCSU chapter.

We have reached the mid-point of the semester, midterms are over and the end is in sight. It is November, Thanksgiving is in 2 weeks and we can’t wait for the 4 F’s of the holidays – fun, food, family and festivity.

However, it seems as though nothing lasts longer than those last few weeks of the fall semester.

Realizing you’re almost done with the semester but not done enough to celebrate.

Trying to remain positive because it is the holiday season.

Then thinking about all those final projects, assignments and tests.

Taking any act of kindness or treat as a mood booster.

Getting a last minute assignment before break, after you had finished all your other assignments.

FINALLY leaving campus on the last day before Thanksgiving break

Keep your head up, we’re almost there!


GIFs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7


SCSU Campus Correspondant. Communication major, journalism minor.