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Her Campus Media

Why learning about Zodiac signs is important to me!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.

Since joining HerCampus, I have been increasingly interested in learning about my birth chart and my zodiac sign. My CCs have sparked my interest about learning more, as this is one of their favorite topics to talk about. I love to see how I am exactly like my birth chart, or what might be in store for me in the future, and conversely, I like to see how my birth chart might be a little off. I also love to ask my roommates what their birth information is to find out what their birth charts are and how compatible we are supposed to be, based on where our moons are, or where our suns are. For example, I am a Scorpio sun, with a Sagittarius rising, and an Aries moon. I have always believed that I did not quite fit into what type of person a Scorpio is explained to be. I like to think I am more of a bubbly personality and not as dark and mysterious as a Scorpio might conventionally be. Zodiac signs are so interesting also because of how different everyone can be and how each sign has a compatible counterpart, whether it be a friendship or a more than a friendship. I am very excited to keep learning and keep delving into what my zodiac sign means and learn about different signs. 

Aimee Mockler

Scranton '24

Hi! I am one of the Campus Correspondents of HerCampus at the University of Scranton. I am a third-year occupational therapy major with a minor in psychology. I love to bake and also participate in theater on campus!