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The (Stressful) Long haul from after Thanksgiving to Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.

Stress has been a thing that every person deals with daily, especially when you’re a student. There are certainly loads of pressure not only thinking about the right now but also the future. I am finishing up any last-minute work for classes, finishing up clubs, and trying to study for finals. I am also trying to plan for slowly looking at master’s programs and planning for senior year. It certainly gets heightened with this time of year knowing that in such a small amount of time we will be home celebrating Christmas and New Years with family and friends.

Here are some things one could consider while talking on these stress day by day…

Take the moment a day at a time!

I know everyone gets stressed about everything and sometimes it gets to be a lot. You are not going to get everything done in a day because we are human and it’s not possible. The best advice that I’ve learned since coming to college is to get everything done “one moment at a time.” Write a list of your expectations and be able to prioritize which is important and not important. It is important to take all the expectations on a day-to-day basis so one has time. The important thing is that whatever happens will get done.

Lean on your support system.

Feel free to talk to your family or friends about what you are feeling in concerns to school or life when you have the time. Most of the time the people that you are talking to have gone through the same experiences that you have gone through. I personally like talking to my friends to get different perspectives about whatever I am experiencing. I also love talking to my mom because we both approach things in the same way and it is helpful whenever I have something going on.

Set your necessities.

There are products or activities that people use on the regular basis to calm down or associate with being joyful. Feel free to distinguish what those are and make a commitment to doing those

once a day to center yourself. After a stressful day of completing work, I like using essential oils or brewing up a cup of tea. Another thing that I love doing is spending fifteen minutes before bed reading a book of my choosing to calm down. This helps me feel super focused and ready to conquer the day’s challenges.

People who are talking or studying for finals, I wish you good luck!

Amelia Semple

Scranton '25

Hi! My name is Amelia Semple and I'm an English major at the University of Scranton. I love reading, writing, and different forms of media. I also love music and hanging out with my friends. My main goal is trying to do anything that I can to be creative. Feel free to read more of my articles down below!