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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.

I remember the day I first started watching Friends like it was yesterday. Since then, it has easily become one of my favorite comfort shows. No show could make me laugh as hard as Friends does. I’m going to share a few of my favorite episodes (having to pick just three episodes is going to be the most difficult decision of my life). In no particular order, here are my top three Friends episodes.

1. The One with the Embryos (Season 4, Episode 12)

Right off the bat, this is definitely one of my all-time favorites. Among watching Rachel and Monica wagering their apartment in a trivia battle against Joey and Chandler, learning that Chandler is also “Miss Chanandler Bong,” and realizing no one knows what Chandler does for a living, this episode will have you falling off your seat!

2. The One Where No One’s Ready (Season 3, Episode 2)

Ross tries to get the rest of the group for his special event. It becomes a race against the clock with Rachel not knowing what to wear, Monica waiting for a call, and Chandler and Joey making fun of each other. This is episode never fails to make me laugh!

3. The One with Unagi (Season 6, Episode 17)

There’s nothing funnier than Ross attempting to teach Rachel and Phoebe “danger” when they start taking self-defense classes. Rachel and Phoebe scaring Ross and then saying, “Ahh…salmon skin roll” will always have me in tears.

Alexandra Buck

Scranton '25

Hi everyone!! I’m an Early and Primary Education major! I love hanging out with my friends, listening to music, and reading!