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Rebecca Hoskins / Her Campus Media
Wellness > Sex + Relationships

Sexual Assault Awareness Month: True or False

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.

1 Rapes are rarely reported to the police: TRUE


2 A woman’s physical appearance is why she is assaulted: FALSE 


3 Sexual offenders are often known by their victim: TRUE


4 Spouses cannot sexually assault each other: FALSE


5 Sexual harassment is a form of sexual assault: TRUE


6 Sexual assault cannot happen in the workplace: FALSE


7 Rape can occur anywhere at any time: TRUE


8 A woman deserves to be assaulted if she is revealing too much skin: FALSE


9 Gay men are raped by only gay men: FALSE


10 When a woman says no, she means maybe or yes: FALSE

Mackenzie Mickavicz is a senior at The University of Scranton who majors in strategic communications with a public relations track and concentrations in women's and gender studies. This is her second year as CC of Her Campus Scranton. She loves coffee, candy and cupcakes.