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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.

When I started college, I was excited but nervous since I didn’t know anyone coming in. I went to the same school district since I was three years old and didn’t have the experience of making new friends. I felt discouraged my first three years of college because I felt like I wasn’t clicking with anyone the way I did back home.

I also ended up switching majors after my freshman year amidst covid and had to get to know a new class who already had a bond. Even though it took until senior year, I found the best group of girls during my spring semester. I finally felt like I belonged somewhere for the first time in college.

My advice for making friends in a new environment would be to not lose hope and don’t try forcing things that don’t work. Putting yourself out there is uncomfortable but necessary for the best outcomes and growth.

I was so used to my friends back home that I found myself comparing everyone to them, which only led to disappointment. Once I realized that different is good and change isn’t so scary, I found myself more open to new experiences.

Being patient and attracting the type of energy you want instead of chasing will lead it to you.

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Jillian Saltz

Scranton '23

Hi! I am a fourth-year occupational therapy student at the University of Scranton. I love shopping, singing, going to the gym, and being with friends and family!