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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.

I’ve been a makeup lover and user since 2015, and I’ve seen trends come and go throughout the years. With the pandemic of last year, I’ve noticed many makeup artists/gurus have gotten more creative than ever (probably from the boredom of quarantine). Such unique looks have carried into this year, and into many people’s daily makeup routines. 

With the end of the year approaching us, here are some makeup trends I predict for 2022:

Eyeliner as Eyeshadow

Colorful eyeliner is finally making its return since the 80s, and now it seems to be replacing eyeshadow almost entirely!

Bright Eyeshadow as Inner Corner Highlight 

We can thank Kylie Jenner for this one (even though she started this years ago, it seems much more mainstream nowadays). Bright, matte colors in the inner corner are replacing the traditional blinding highlight from 2016 that we know and love!

Red Lips are Back

For almost two years now, we have been covering the lower half of our faces with masks, so there was really no point of wearing lipstick to begin with. I think with the new year and with mask mandates being lifted gradually, many people will opt for a bold, red lip to show off for the first time in a long time!