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Lessons Learned from Our Favorite Christmas Movies

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.

It’s that time of year again! Time to snuggle into some feetsy pajamas (it’s okay as long as no one sees you!), grab a cup of hot chocolate and tune in to your holiday favorites! Every Christmas movie has some feel good moral engrained in it and we’ve decided to dissect some of favorites for collegiate life lessons.

The Grinch

Lesson to be Learned: That shade of envious green does not look good on anybody.

Instead of sulking at home and stalking people’s Facebook activities, go out and join the party! Rather than throwing yourself a pity party, make an effort to join in on the fun! You’ll be joining hands and singing “Fahoo fores dahoo dores” before you know it.

Frosty the Snowman

Lesson to be Learned: Dress for the weather.

Remember the scene where Frosty gets locked in the greenhouse and ultimately melts? Well the whole reason he sought the warmth of the greenhouse was because little Karen was catching a cold in her skirt and light jacket. We are all for looking cute, but we are also anti-catching pneumonia. With uggs, riding boots, and Columbia jackets that self-heat with a touch of a button, there are many ways to stay warm and still look cute.

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Lesson to be Learned: Blemishes appear at the worst possible time.

Rudolph’s nose-cover-up fails him at the most inopportune time; in front of all the other reindeer and Santa. It is easy during the holiday season to indulge in extra chocolate or fall asleep by the fire without washing your make-up. All of these holiday traditions also increase the possibility of break-out. It is important to take care of your skin and if you do need to employ cover-up, make sure it is the correct fit for your skin tone.

It’s a Wonderful Life
Lesson to be Learned: The title says it all…It’s a wonderful life.

Although you may be dealing with familial, romantic or academic problems, take the time to reflect on all you have going for you. You have friends and family that love you. You have a bright future ahead of you. It’s easy amidst all the holiday chaos to forget just how truly blessed we are.

Hi! My name is Brandi Thomas and I am a senior English major (minoring in Theology and History) at the University of Scranton in Scranton, PA. In my spare time I love reading, watching movies and television shows as well as chatting with my girlfriends. I love to travel and plan to see as many places I can before I turn 30.  I am very excited to join the Her Campus team in order to bring a female perspective to life at the University of Scranton!