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Group Halloween Costumes For You And Your (Single) Friends

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.

Halloween isn’t necessarily that holiday when you reaaaally wish you weren’t single, but I must admit that one of the perks of being in a relationship is couple’s costumes. Pairing up with that special someone and dressing up as your favorite loving duo is a fun couple’s activity, but that doesn’t mean those of us living the single life can’t have fun with it too.  So, grab your closest single friends and start collaborating on some of these fun group costumes!

The Sanderson Sisters

A classic group costume for you and your two closest gal pals. Who wouldn’t want to dress as the three wicked witches from the greatest Halloween movie of all time?


Simple, yet fun! Pick out your favorite color and go all out with hair, makeup and nails! The great thing about this is that you can add on as many friends as there are colors.


There are literally a thousand different kinds of Pokémon, so the chances of an argument breaking out over who gets to be Pikachu is minimal.


Great for guys and girls with no need for any romantic implications, get the squad together and recreate your own Justice League or Avengers.


They’re only scary in hoards, so find all the friends you can and go crazy with the special effects makeup and fake blood! Once that’s done, just tear up some old clothes and get going on your zombie walk.

Scooby-Doo Mystery, Inc.

You may need some specific friends for this one, but the mystery gang is a timeless classic for a group looking to have a fun, monster-filled Halloween!

Hi! My name is Laura, and I am a junior at the U of Scranton. I am a broadcasting major with a philosophy and criminal justice minor, and I enjoy knitting, archery and exercising for some reason.
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Dania El-Ghazal

Scranton '18

My whole biography realistically can't fit here so