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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.

The movie, How To Be Single, identifies four types of single people: the life of the party, the one who tries to find themselves, the one who obsesses over finding the “one”, and the independent one. 

1. The Party One
She loves the nightlife scene the most and will try to show you a “good time.” She knows what she wants and could not care less about what others think. Confidence is her key asset and she loves the single life. 

2. The One Who Needs To Find Herself
There are people who will get out of relationships, or even friendships, so that they can find themselves. They crave adventure, new experiences and don’t want to be held down by relationships. They often believe that they are their true selves when they’re single. It’s not that they don’t want to be in a relationship, per-se, but they want to learn to love their true selves before they can love another person.

3. The Obsessive One
On the contrary, there are the people who constantly need a significant other. They obsess over finding the right person. They have their whole life planned out. The type of person they want to marry, the house they’re going to live in, the names of their children. 

4. The Independent One
This person is strong, independent and does not rely on any man or woman! They are ok with being alone and feel that another person will not make them happy. They enjoy doing things for themselves. They have a good job, a nice life, good friends. Being single, to them, is not a bad thing. They are afraid that the relationship will take over their lives. Some people are jealous of the independent person because deep down, they wish they could be able to be on their own.

Yes, Valentine’s Day can be about being with your significant other. However, you can enjoy it being single as well. Go see How To Be Single and you’ll realize that standing alone on Valentine’s Day is ok. Figure out which single person you are, and flaunt it. 

I'm a twenty-year-old junior at the University of Scranton. I aspire to work in public relations after I graduate, as well as travel the world. I grew up on the south shore of Long Island.
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Dania El-Ghazal

Scranton '18

My whole biography realistically can't fit here so