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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.

Every time I fail I crumble inside. My world falls apart. I lose hope and the will to continue. For a split second my future turns blank as I shut down.

So, how do you find motivation during the hardest times of your time?

People say to just push forward but that is easier said than done, although it may be the best advice you may receive. When I fail a test or am unable to complete a task I lose all the will to continue. I will cry for hours and call my sister to talk to her. She also tells me not to focus on one failure but to focus on what is to come. If I let one wrong thing consume my life, I won’t be able to keep going on to accomplish more.

Life will not always go your way and that’s okay. Another path will open up for you and you never know it may be better than the original path, but how will you know if you quit halfway because of an inconvenience. Push the bad away and learn from it. Don’t stop from going forward or you will never know the opportunities that will appear.

It is hard to keep going and that is okay. Cry if you have too. Take a break but don’t stop. Life is unpredictable but that’s the best part of it.

You will find your way, but you will face many obstacles trying to get there and that will make you stronger.

Neha Patel

Scranton '26

Hi! My name is Neha and I am a occupational therapy major! I am so excited to share my stories with you :)