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Ever Wondered What Sappho Would Have Listened To? Now You Don’t Have To:

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.

For my final project in my Intro to World Lit class, I had to create a playlist based on one of the authors we talked about. I chose Sappho of Lesbos. She was one of the firsy openly gay public figures, living on the island of Lesbos (hence the term lesbian). I feel as though this playlist encapsulates both her and her only complete poem. I unironically listen to it often. I hope you enjoy! 

            Song One: Sappho by delian 

            Song Two: Alrighty Aphrodite by Peach Pit

            Song Three: You Belong with me by Taylor Swift

            Song Four: Hopelessly Devoted to You by Olivia Newton – John

            Song Five: Make You Feel My Love by Adele

            Song Six: Adore You by Harry Styles

            Song Seven: Absolutely Smitten by dodie

            Song Eight: I Believe in a Thing Called Love by The Darkness

Here is the link if you feel like listening: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1y3qpwsTfBYbKT5pl8lTnu?si=UemLlU_iRAKQHE056wgzrQ . Let me know what you think! Maybe I will do more literary themed playlists :). 

Jillian is a senior Secondary Education and English double major at The University of Scranton. This is her second year at HC Scranton, and she cannot wait to write amazing articles. In her free time, Jillian can be found hanging out with her friends or binging Netflix shows.