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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.

College can be exciting and fun, but it can also take a toll on our physical and mental health. It’s completely normal to feel the pressure of being a full-time student and have it weigh down on you. Something that’s important to keep in mind while in school is your mental health and well-being. We often put our health on the back burner because we feel swamped by assignments and projects and all the other lovely things that come with being a student. Taking time for yourself is crucial in preventing burnout. Here are some things you can do that I have done to help myself wind down and take that necessary time for me:

Self-care night:

Have a little self-care night either by yourself or with a friend where you do face masks and watch movies!

Read a book:

I have always felt relaxed after a hot shower and getting into bed to read a book. Getting out of your head and immersing yourself in another world is therapeutic and feels like a break from reality.

Call loved ones and catch up:

I tend to feel more relaxed and happier when I speak to my parents, siblings, or friends from home and catch up with them. Focusing so much on the negative can make it hard to realize the positives in our lives, but reminding yourself of the lovely people in your life and the support you have is reassuring.

Clean up your space:

Cleaning can be controversial since most people tend to dislike it, but I personally find it therapeutic and find that having a clean and tidy space helps me clear my mind and feel less cluttered both physically and mentally.

Lastly, don’t be so hard on yourself!

We are only human and there will be days where we feel overwhelmed and drained. A rest day can look different for everybody. Just don’t forget to think about the positives in your life and have fun!

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Jillian Saltz

Scranton '23

Hi! I am a fourth-year occupational therapy student at the University of Scranton. I love shopping, singing, going to the gym, and being with friends and family!