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best friends holding hands sunflower field dresses summer happy sunset
Maria Scheller / Her Campus
Life > Experiences

Because of My Little Sister

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.

My little sister is basically a combination of Beyoncé and Aristotle. She’s not afraid to tell me when it’s time to “put them hands high, wave it in his face, tell him, boy bye,” and never fails to remind me that I must see the light in my darkest moments. 


My little sister is a blessing. She is a pioneer. I almost think that she was born just to guide me. She has made me stronger. 


My little sister is a teacher. She has taught me to be independent and ambitious. She has taught me how to love; how to love limitlessly, endlessly and unconditionally. And most importantly, she has taught me how to love myself. 


My little sister is annoying. She is a skillful thief of clothing and accessories. She is a professional hair-puller and master of not-so playful punches. Despite this all, I cannot imagine my life without her. 


My little sister is a leader. She does not pull me up when I am down; she encourages me to find the surface, to breathe fresh air and dance in rays of sunshine; tasks of independence and self-reliance. She asserts that I must never take the easy way out. She tells me to take the long road, the hard road- because she will be standing at the end with arms wide open. 


My little sister is wise. She preaches lessons of self-love. She holds her moral compass high as she walks down the yellow-brick road. She never fails to find the glimmering good in a spiraling situation. 


My little sister is fierce. Sparks of fury run deep in her veins. And electric magic bleeds from her soul. She sings her voice and spreads her joy. Her graceful, yet powerful wings are radical and revolutionary. 


My little sister is my best friend. I am never alone. I have someone to rely on, someone to trust and someone to walk me through the dark side of the morning. Someone to stare at the sunset and wander the sand. Someone to get lost with. Someone to search for me. Someone to sing me a song when the sun shines too bright. Someone to love me. 


I am a big sister. And it has made me a better person. 


Because of my sister, I understand the value of sacrifices. 


Because of my sister, I am never without a friend. 


Because of my sister, I am a role model. 


Because of my sister, I have learned to protect. I have learned to be selfless. 


Because of my sister, I have courage. 


I am a big sister. And it has made me a better person. 


If my sister were sentimental enough, I would say this to her face. Unfortunately, I am the emotional one. Therefore, I will leave my words here- thank you for being my little sister. And thank you for making me a better person.



Mackenzie Mickavicz is a senior at The University of Scranton who majors in strategic communications with a public relations track and concentrations in women's and gender studies. This is her second year as CC of Her Campus Scranton. She loves coffee, candy and cupcakes.