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6 Simple Ways to Give Thanks this Holiday Season!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.

By Gabriella Meditz

If your family is anything like mine, Thanksgiving is always an interesting holiday! While it is a time for breaking bread with your loved ones and reflecting on what you should be grateful for, it is incredibly easy to get carried away with the immense cooking, conversations on political beliefs, and other aspects of typical familial drama.

Once the table is set, my family starts circling it like sharks! My sisters are already eyeing the turkey legs. I’ve already got the whipped cream poised over the apple pie. The homemade mac and cheese and mashed potatoes are in imminent danger from my cousins and my dogs are waiting for my great aunt to “accidentally” drop portions of her meal on the floor.

Everyone sits down, waiting to reach over and start digging into the delicious food on our table. Then my mom pauses and says, “Before we begin, let’s all share something we are grateful for.” We all blush and murmur instantly, avoiding eye contact and start

shifting in our seats. Just ten minutes ago we were all catching up and overwhelmed with grateful thoughts, but once we are put on the spot, our minds go blank.

My family relives this moment pretty much every Thanksgiving Day. To help my family, and hopefully yours, I’ve constructed a list to help us refocus our attention on the true meaning of Thanksgiving—reflecting on what we are most grateful for!

Gabby’s Gratitude Checklist:

1. Person/People I love

I know this may seem obvious, but it is important to acknowledge the person/people in your life that mean the most to you! We should appreciate the people who add more to our lives and brighten our days!

2. Something Small that Brings Me Joy

The “small things” in life aren’t really that small when they bring us an immense amount of joy! It is important to not overlook these little things, they are everything.

3. A Favorite Memory from This Year

Another way to have a more grateful attitude is to reflect on your most cherished memories from the past year! Maybe you went to see a movie with your friends or went

hiking with your family this year. Whatever favorite memories you may have, it is essential that you thank the people who are a part of them for adding to your life positively this year.

4. Who You Are (Ex: Caring, Intelligent, Strong)

While you are taking time to be grateful for the people and things in our lives, you should also take the time to be thankful for yourself and your personal attributes! There is nothing wrong with appreciating what makes you the wonderful person you are! Maybe even thank the people who have made an impact on who you are!

5. One thing I Have to Look Forward to Next Year

In addition to reflecting on your past to appreciate all you have in your life currently, you should also assign time to be appreciate the upcoming opportunities and events in your future! Maybe you are graduating this year, or finally got that internship you were hoping for! Either way, it is something to be grateful for!

6. Whatever is on My Heart Today:

List anything and everything that you appreciate! Speak from your heart!!

This checklist can be filled out individually or can be used as guidelines for discussion at your Thanksgiving dinner table! Remember, there can never be too much gratitude!

Aimee Mockler

Scranton '24

Hi! I am one of the Campus Correspondents of HerCampus at the University of Scranton. I am a third-year occupational therapy major with a minor in psychology. I love to bake and also participate in theater on campus!