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6 Last Minute Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for EVERYONE You Love

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.

Valentine’s Day isn’t just for those in a relationship. EVERYONE deserves feel special on this day of love. Here are some ways to show appreciation for all the people who have your heart without spending a fortune…

For Mom & Dad 

The fact that you’re sending them anything shows how much you care. Parents don’t expect extravagant gifts; they just love knowing you appreciate them. As the old saying goes, it’s the thought that counts!

1. Send them a card with a short list of reasons why you appreciate them. After all, they’re the people who drove you to soccer practice and made you soup when you were sick.

2. Make a collage on pic stitch with pictures of you and them. They’ll love that you spent the time making it and will probably set it as their phone background (if they can figure out how to do that).

For Your Bestie

There are still ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day with your BFF even if you go to different schools. She was the one who brought you ice cream when you broke up with your boyfriend and she was the one who held your hair back the night of your birthday. Who deserves more love than this chick?!

1. Cheryls.com is a website that sends cookies to whoever you want. Their adorable $5 cookie card is a great way to show admiration to your BFF.

2. If you’re feeling super creative, you can fill a mason jar with heart shaped notes- ranging from your favorite Pinterest quotes to reasons why she’s better than any boyfriend. Tell your BFF to open the jar whenever she’s having a bad day and needs a pick me up!

For Him

Obviously, you tell your boyfriend you love him everyday but this is the time to go above and beyond to show just how much he means to you. Whether he’s a softy or not, your man will love seeing your cute and creative side.

1. Give him a box filled with envelopes titled “Open when…”. Each envelope will have a different occasion in which he should open the envelope such as “Open when you’re overwhelmed by schoolwork.” Include notes that will help him get through it!

2. Get a deck of cards, and on each card write a reason why you love him. The first card can say “52 Things I Love About You”.



Elise is a Jersey girl who loves to travel the world, she enjoys keeping up with the latest fashion trends and believes an Instagram a day keeps the doctor away. She is a senior at the University of Scranton majoring in Strategic Communication with a minor in Writing. Elise is the Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Scranton, which she co-founded in September 2014 with her best friend Samantha (every brunette needs a blonde right?) This past summer she interned in Public Relations at The Thomas Collective, a boutique lifestyle agency in New York City. When her toes are not in the sand, she’s hailing a cab or packing her bags ready to jet set anywhere and everywhere. Fun Fact: Elise is a member of Scranton’s Equestrian team. Follow her on Instagram @liseyleelee and on Twitter @eliseteresa!