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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.

The stress of being a college student comes in many different forms. For each different stressor comes a different way to decompress and relax and what seems like controlling what you can when things are out of your control, in the words of Olaf from Frozen. There are five de-stressors I like to consider when I am having THAT week and I just need to take a minute for myself. I love to also keep in the holiday spirit, no matter what holiday, or season for that matter. Here are my five favorite ways to destress this fall!

  1. Get Lunch with a new friend!

In the middle of a stressful school day, it can be challenging to introduce yourself to people you have similar classes with. You also might just be used to getting lunch with your roommate, which is great! Asking someone you have never met in one of your classes to go get lunch is a great way to branch out, take a minute to put some fuel in your body, and who knows, they might just become your next best friend! Talking to someone new can be a little nerve wracking in and of itself, but it gives you a chance to not talk or think about all of the homework you might have to do that night and make some new connections.

2. Watch a Halloween movie

After your said homework is done for the day, and to avoid thinking about all the other homework and responsibilities you might have, turn on Disney plus or Netflix and choose your favorite cheesy Halloween movie to put you in the spirit! Some of my favorites include Hocus Pocus, The Nightmare before Christmas, Frankenweenie, Coraline, and of course, all the Disney Channel special Halloween episodes! Cozy up into your pillows and bed, and unwind, thinking about how soon Halloween is and how you will be dressing up with friends and taking such fun pictures in just a few weeks! Watching TV and movies is one of my favorite hobbies and it helps me to fall asleep and relax from a stressful day or week, and also put myself in a cheery mood! 

3. Self-care time! 

As always, self-care can make you feel totally relaxed, sitting on TikTok with a face mask on, or cool cucumbers on your eyes, reflecting on all you accomplished during the day! Self-care comes in many different forms, from taking a shower, to doing laundry that needed to get done, or completing an extensive skin care routine. Self-care is incredibly important for keeping a level head and to keep you going through the week withconfidence that you can make it!

4. Quality family time

Being at college away from your family has its ups and downs. On one hand, you get to find out who you truly are and start to live your life the way you want and learn how to live on your own and make your own decisions. On the other hand, it is the first time a lot of people are away from their families, which can add its own element of stress to your already overfilled plate. Calling your mom or dad, sister or brother, or even your grandma or grandpa can help boost your mood! Every time I feel completely overwhelmed, I know someone will be happy to calm me down and tell me everything is going to be okay. It is so comforting to know my entire family is there to support me and help me with anything I need! They love to hear from you just as much!

5. Dance party! 

If all else fails, turn on some of your favorite music with a friend or your roommate and have the best dance party of your lives! Blast the music so you cannot hear yourselves sing and go crazy! Take funny videos of you all singing and dancing and being a real teenager! My roommate and I are best friends, and we love to blast country music or throwback music and pretend we don’t have any responsibilities and are able to destress together for just a little while!

I know the semester can be incredibly overwhelming but using some of these tips and de-stressing methods can be a great way to make those things seem a little smaller and not so big and scary. I hope you have a fantastic rest of the semester and get outside! Eat your favorite foods and smile at someone you walk by!

Aimee Mockler

Scranton '24

Hi! I am one of the Campus Correspondents of HerCampus at the University of Scranton. I am a third-year occupational therapy major with a minor in psychology. I love to bake and also participate in theater on campus!