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33 Things to be Thankful for This Thanksgiving

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.

The holiday season is here! Start your season off right by giving thanks to the things that matter most to you, no matter how big or small.   

1. Parents

For the absolute and never-ending love they have provided you. Thank them for all the opportunities they have given you throughout your life and for being your number one fans. They have made you who you are today.

2. Siblings

With every punch and scratch, they have made you tougher and have always been there to protect you.

3. Health

Good health is not something to take for granted 

4. Happiness

For the best moments in life

5. Tears

For the reminder that it’s okay to have emotions  

6. Cute animals

What’s better than unconditional love from a puppy, even if we don’t deserve it

7. The University of Scranton

Without it, things today would be totally different.

8. Friends who are always there

Everyone needs a shoulder to lean on, and a friend to laugh with.

9. America and the freedoms we are lucky enough to have

So many are often taken for granted, such as the freedom of speech and the right to vote.

10. Having a roof over your head  

11. A bed that makes it hard to get out of every day  

12. Laughter

The contagious laughter that makes your stomach hurt

13. Extended family

For showing you where you get your crazy from

14. Waking up

Every day is a blessing, remember that

15. Sweater weather

The coziest weather

16. The ocean

For reminding us how immense and precious our planet is  

17. Karma

For the reminder that every action has a reaction that will affect your life in one way or another. The best karma requires the best actions.

18. Starbucks (Or Dunkin Donuts)

Those mornings that you need an extra kick to start your day

19. Google

For the ability to end basically every argument over who is right or wrong simply by “googling it”

20. Peace and quiet

Nothing better than some peace and quiet after a long, hectic day

21. Pay day

Money in the bank

22. Safety & security

The ability to go to sleep each and every night without being in fear. For that we have to thank the troops, the ones risking their lives for us every day.

23. God

For the reminder that all things are under control and that every thing happens for a reason.

24. Netflix

For the greatest type of procrastination. Go ahead, binge watch Stranger Things, you definitely don’t need to be doing anything else

25. Home cooked meals

The most scrumptious food ever, leaving you as stuffed as the turkey you’ll eat on Thanksgiving

26. The raining mornings that turned into sunny afternoons

For the reminder that every storm has an end.  All bad things don’t last forever. 

27. A great joke

Nothing like laughing so hard you have tears streaming down your face.

28. The weekends (Friday-Sunday)

For making the rest of the week bearable

29. A hot shower

30. Finding money in those forgotten pants

For adding a few extra dollars to your wallet

31. For the people who make your day better and easier

Because, without them, life would be much more of a struggle

32. Yourself

Love yourself and be thankful for who you are, but continue to strive to be the best you can be. Always remember, you are not alone.

33. Life

Without it, none of this would be possible. 



Meghan is a junior at The University of Scranton. She is majoring in Strategic Communication with a concentration in Public Relations and a minor in Management. Meghan is obsessed with her two yellow Labrador Retrievers and is frequently told she is just another common white girl. Having extreme FOMO, Meghan has not studied abroad but would love to travel the world one day. Meghan is excited to join the Her Campus Scranton team and looks forward to the opportunities ahead.
Elizabeth Transue is a Communication Broadcasting major with a minor in Political Science at The University of Scranton. Her life changed when she studied abroad in London and fell in love with traveling. She is obsessed with her adorable pug, Chikfila, and her eleven best friends who just so happen to be her housemates. She can't hold a tune or keep a rhythm but that doesn't mean you shouldn't do it! Am I right?