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18 Things a Girl in a Family of All Boys Will Understand

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.

Brothers: we can’t live with them and we can’t live without them.  I have three brothers who I consider my best friends. They make me smile when I’m feeling down or when I am stressed out at school. Christmas break is a thousand times better with all of them by my side.  But when you’re the only girl in a house full of boys, your lifestyle is bound to be a little different compared to the other girls.  Here are 18 ways that this holds true…

  1. You were often considered “one of the guys,” which was cool at one point but quickly became super annoying once you got into high school.
  2. Your brothers never really followed your parents’ dinner-table etiquette, so you didn’t either! Restraining yourself from burping out loud in public is still a huge accomplishment. 
  3. You constantly have to put the toilet seat down every time you walk into the bathroom.
  4. Boys’ deodorant works a lot better than girls’ deodorant. Why wouldn’t you want to smell great?
  5. Don’t lie – you ran out of your fruit-scented body wash in the shower AT LEAST once and you considered using your brothers’ Axe body wash as a replacement. Whether you did it or not, well, we’ll keep that a secret.
  6. You can watch your brothers devour seven pizzas, a bag of chips, nine cartons of ice cream, the kitchen cabinet and a horse as you sit there with your Special K granola bar.
  7. You can then say a sweet good – freakin- bye to that Special K granola bar. Throw it in the trash and eat just as much as your brothers, if not more.
  8. You’re good – and I mean really good – at video games.
  9. You always seemed to get along better with boys than you did with girls.
  10. Your brothers’ friends are off-limits. You are off-limits to your brothers’ friends.  This is basically the golden rule between brothers and sisters.
  11. Introducing your new boyfriend to your parents is bad enough, but introducing him to all of your brothers is a task that never gets easier.
  12. Your brothers hate all of your boyfriends at first, but when they like your boyfriend, you know you found someone special.  It’s the ultimate test.
  13. When searching for a partner, you already know the kind of person you want to be with because of your brothers’ characteristics. (Did I really just say that??)
  14. Your enemies are your brothers’ enemies, especially if you have older brothers because they are often more protective.  This is really great for you, and really bad for your enemies.
  15. You may be “Daddy’s Little Princess,” but you and your mother have to get out at least once a week to cleanse yourselves of the excess testosterone, often by shopping.  And, because you’re the only girl in the family, your mom LOVES taking you shopping.
  16. Since you don’t have a sister to steal clothes from, you end up stealing your brothers’ t-shirts, jerseys, sweatshirts, sweatpants, flannels, and new Nike socks.  Your brothers hate it but you’re honestly too comfy to care.
  17. Fighting with your brothers has made you stronger both figuratively and literally. You are a woman who can stand up for her beliefs and challenge others, as well as a woman who can always win the TV remote back in just a few harmless punches.
  18. You cannot imagine life with a sister.  You love your brothers more than anything, and you wouldn’t trade your years of countless memories together for the world. When you’re at school, you miss your brothers like you miss your parents.  Although they would never admit it, they miss you too.

So go ahead and call your brothers, now that you’re thinking about how much you miss them. They’ll be so happy to hear from you that they won’t even think about how they don’t have any socks to wear at school.

Rachel is a Biology major with a Pre-Veterinary Medicine track at the University of Scranton. She plans to go to vet school to become a zoo/wildlife vet following her time at Scranton. She is a senior member of the Her Campus Scranton team. You can find her on Instagram (rachelkranick), Facebook (Rachel Kranick), and Twitter (@rachelkranick).
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Dania El-Ghazal

Scranton '18

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