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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.

Being a college student is quite the busy experience. We have to balance our education with social events, attempt to stay healthy and figure out what the heck we’re going to do once we graduate. With the constant craziness that goes on in college life, it’s hard to explain our thoughts and experiences. So, here are 11 times Tumblr did it for us.

1. When you’re making index cards while listening to music… 2. When you’re a senior and still haven’t had a boyfriend… 3. When you’ve had a long day and just want to go to bed, but you have a paper due… 4. When a communication student finds love… 5. When you come back from the bar late at night and ask yourself the realest questions… 6. When you decide you want to lose weight, but you have classes, an internship and work… 7. When you are too lazy to hit the gym and you try to rationalize it…

8. When your friend is doing your makeup before going out and asks you what you want to look like… 9. When you did something stupid last night at the bar and remember it when you wake up… 10. When you get stuck in an 8 a.m… 11. And finally, college work in a nutshell…

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Dania El-Ghazal

Scranton '18

My whole biography realistically can't fit here so