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10 Ways to Save Money During College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Scranton chapter.

It has been three weeks since the semester has started and you have already come to terms with the idea that you are the definition of a “broke college student.” Luckily, there are ways to reduce your spending before fall break. Take it from a junior who has been in your shoes for the third time now. It’s always so tempting to join your friends when they decide to splurge, but here are some options to still have fun, while saving money!

1.  Remember your refillable cup at Starbucks on campus. Fifty-cent refills are your best friend!

2. Find places on campus where you can refill your water bottles with filtered water. Buying water bottles becomes expensive if you drink as much water as we do.

3. We know how tempting pizza can be when you’re walking down Mulberry Street after a late night, but those dollar slices add up throughout the weekend.

4. Although the specialty slices are amazing (I mean, who doesn’t love a general taos chicken slice) but if you have the choice, plain is always cheaper in the end.

5. We would do just about anything for Chipotle. But at the end of the day, most of us are still swiping our meals. Use those up before spending $12 because you needed that extra scoop of guacamole and chips.

 “I love Chipotle. Chipotle is my life.”

6. It’s more economical to buy the things you need in bulk. 

7. It will cost you an arm and a leg to buy your textbooks from the school bookstore. Websites such as Chegg and Amazon usually have the same textbooks, to rent or buy, at an inexpensicve price. 

8. Never go grocery shopping on an empty stomach.

9. Many stores offer student discounts. They may not tell you upfront, but it won’t hurt to ask. This blog showcases some stores that offer student discounts.

10. Your school may offer various trips throughout the year to places such as Washington D.C., New York, Canada, etc. The trips are most likely prorated aka cheaper than booking on your own. Inquire about the trips your school offers, you may be surprised.

Saving your money in college seems next to impossible, but if you make wise decisions about where your money goes it will serve you well!

I'm a twenty-year-old junior at the University of Scranton. I aspire to work in public relations after I graduate, as well as travel the world. I grew up on the south shore of Long Island.
Erin Troy is a junior at the University of Scranton majoring in Strategic Communication with a concentration in public relations. She is excited to start her first year writing for the Her Campus Scranton team! She hopes to one day do PR for the New York Rangers, and live in Manhattan. This Long Island native loves shopping and Taylor Swift. Follow her on Instagram @erintroyy!
Samantha is an East Coast girl from Pennsylvania with a New York City attitude and a Florida mindset. Her shopping habits are contagious; she has inherited them from her mom (they say mother knows best, right?). Samantha is a University of Scranton senior majoring in Strategic Communication with a minor in Business. She is the Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Scranton, which she co-founded in September 2014 with her best friend, Elise. She is also the captain for Scranton Love Your Melon and secretary of the University of Scranton's Business Club. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter, @samanthaamilazzo @samanthaliza_