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Your SCAD Experience in GIFs

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCAD chapter.

When you first told your parents you wanted to come to SCAD:

And they were like:


You had to explain that it could be worse:


So when they finally said yes:


Spending the entire summer with your friends who tell you that art school is a waste of time and money:


Realizing school starts in a week and you haven’t packed:


Leaving your hometown:


Saying goodbye to your sobbing parents as they drop their baby at college:


Finally meeting your roommate:


Trying to make friends on campus:


Waking up on the first day of school:


Finding common ground with someone in your class:


Joining a million clubs on campus:


Thinking about going to Club SCAD:


Coming to terms with life on the quarter system:


Walking into the second week of class 15 minutes late:


Realizing it’s already midterm week:


Leaving class on Thursday of midterm week:


Realizing maybe you can do this after all:


And then again, maybe you can’t:


Staying in for the weekend for some quality time with yourself:


Pulling an all nighter just to go to class the next day and receive a project extension:


Sitting in critique trying not to freak out:


When your friends try to hangout with you during finals week:


Spending 40+ hours on a project and getting a B:


Explaining to your friends at home what the people of SCAD are like:


Saying goodbye to your friends for the never-ending vacation that we call winter break:


Seeing your parents for the first time once you’ve transformed into an art student:


Knowing exactly how you’re going to spend winter break:

I'm a junior at SCAD Savannah where I study Advertising. I've also been lucky to travel to SCAD Hong Kong for fall quarter of my junior year. This is my second year writing for Her Campus and I'm really enjoying it. I love the Red Sox, country music, playing golf and being with my friends. I hope you enjoy my posts!