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What is a campus cutie?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCAD chapter.


Over the last few months, I’ve enjoyed writing the campus cuties section for SCAD’s Her Campus. Every week I select an individual who is worthy of the campus cutie interview and ask them a tailored set of questions. There are some people who think I choose my interviewees based strictly on looks, I mean the section is called campus cuties right? Well not so much, I’m proud to say that I choose my campus cuties based on who the person is as a whole. I take into account their: personality, style, how they carry themselves, how they treat others, their performance at SCAD, and a few other items.

I have been able to meet some unique individuals and connect with them on more personal level. I wouldn’t have known about Yanique Roye’s delicately beautiful peanut dress or how dedicated Christian Magby is working on his career in performing arts. I feel that there are many more campus cutie candidates than one weekly interview allows. I have decided to start a new project that, for now, is called Campus Cutie Takeover. I want to snap a quick photo of individuals I see all around campus, that I consider cuties, and ask them a random question. I’m excited about this project and curious to see how people react when I approach them. As for my readers, if there are any individuals you would like me to interview for this project or my usual weekly articles please let me know. Wish me luck!