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Single on Valentine’s Day: Love Yourself!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCAD chapter.

Valentine’s Day is rapidly approaching, and being newly single, I’m not exactly sure what to do. After talking to several other friends, I’ve decided to show myself some much needed self-love.

Here are several ways to pamper yourself this Valentine’s Day holiday:

1. Shopping

Buy yourself that cute outfit from your Forever21 wishlist. Dress up, and make yourself feel glamorous! Take some great selfies or self portraits. Appreciate your beauty, or no one else will.

2. Cooking

Make yourself your favorite meal, and chow down while watching Netflix (the real bae). Ask your mom for her recipe for your favorite childhood meal; Bask in the nostalgia.

3. Going out

You know you have other single friends! Go out and love on each other! Never forsake friends for a significant other; they’re still here, aren’t they?

Enjoy your Valentine’s Day, whether you have a significant other or not. And even when it’s not the most romantic day in the world, show yourself some self-love.

Images from Google.