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“SCADPad” – Taking Dorm Life to the Next Level

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SCAD chapter.

No, it isn’t an iPad made solely for SCAD students or what your dad might call your college dorm room! The rhyming phrase refers to one of the Savannah College of Art and Design’s newest projects – SCADPad, a new kind of urban housing.

Have you ever seen those cool pictures on the Internet of minimal living spaces? Like a bus, renovated to have a bed that pulls out from one of its walls, built in benches, a small kitchen area, and maybe even a bathroom? Those cool, compact almost bubble looking environments that designers manage to pack with so many features that it’s actually a livable house space? Well, SCAD seems to have caught on to the minimalist trend and has introduced SCADPad, a concept of the same idea!

Starting off in its trial period at the SCAD Atlanta campus, SCADPad is, as the website states, “next-generation micro housing”. Designers and architects came up with the idea of renovating a parking garage, adapting its features and working with them to create homes within the outlines of individual parking spaces. A team of students, alumni, professors, and even the Dean of Building Arts came together in the fall to create a prototype; they drew out blueprints, worked with materials, and have finalized their frameworks. Construction has already begun! It may sound like something that should take years to develop, an idea for the future, ahead of its time, but SCADPad is nearly ready to launch! A trial period will take place soon, where students will actually be able to move into these compact condos to test them out. The students involved will give feedback on their experiences within SCADPad, using the provided hashtag #tinydetails to document their stay on blogging websites, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. The volunteers will be seen as almost ambassadors for the project, helping to shape it along the way.

Interested in becoming one of these SCADPad ambassadors? You’re in luck! Scadpad.com has everything you need, from requirements of a volunteer to the form itself – they even have a video you can watch, giving visuals of the designs and what SCADPad hopes to accomplish!

Applications for SCADPad must be submitted by February 17th, so head over to the website, watch the video, and be a part of this amazing, innovative project!